know yourself


Your vulva self-observation workshop

How well do you know your vulva? Have you ever really looked at it? How about taking a moment to meet it, with curiosity and love?

Do you know exactly where your urine comes from? Do you know that your clitoris has a whole invisible part? Have you ever looked closely at your inner lips (or labia minora)? Have you ever seen your cervix?

In Nancy, the self-observation workshop lets you look at your vulva in a mirror and rediscover it with guidance.

Getting to know your sex better and knowing what it looks like is a strength that gives you greater freedom and helps you evolve!

Free yourself from shame and fear about your genitals

it's your vulva !

Indifference, disgust, shame… often our relationship with our vulva is non-existent or negative. We don’t look at it, we ignore it or say bad things about it…

We entrust it to our doctors or sexual partners, sometimes forgetting that it’s first and foremost a part of OUR body.

a new relationship

By taking time for yourself, to look at your vulva in a mirror, to name it, to talk about it, you restore communication, confidence and peace with yourself. I’m at your side to discuss any taboos, fears, memories or doubts you may have. And to celebrate the joys, pleasures and desires that are yours!


vulva love

individual guidance

I’d like to invite you to join me for an appointment where we can talk about your relationship with your intimacy and your own vulva.

During this session, when you’re ready, we’ll get to know your vulva. With the help of a mirror, you can look at it, (re)discover it, touch it and name its different parts.

I can also suggest that you compare your vulva with an anatomical drawing so that you can (re)get to know everything that makes up your own sex… and invite you to celebrate the uniqueness of your own sex.

I’ll stay by your side (without touching you) while you self-observe, so you can share what you’re feeling, the emotions it provokes in you, the memories it brings to the surface…

I will accompany you through either looking with you, or through hearing your own description without looking with you. You decide what feels more confortable for you ! 

And if you feel like it, we can even explore your cervix!


Why am I doing this?


let's talk about it !

This is a very unusual proposal, and I understand that it may raise concerns, doubts and questions in you… Before committing yourself to an appointment, we can discuss it over the phone to make things clearer!